A 12-month journey to align with your authentic self.

When you join

Cosmic Alchemy you will:

✨Rewrite the "mental shorthand" that's keeping you from turning your dreams into reality

✨Discover and call back your power to transform and liberate others with your presence

✨Connect, align and fall in love with your multi-dimensional self

Discover your secret sauce and how to show up as her everyday

✨Find out what only the world's most enlightened spiritual masters know about belief patterns that stand between you and your incredible abundance and happiness

✨Melt away stagnation, doubt, and self-criticism effortlessly

✨Be surrounded by a community of like-minded souls doing the work

What you will get:

🌙Zodiacal Season Monthly Alchemy Workshops ($11,554 value)

🌙New Moon Intention Setting Circles ($396 value)

🌙Cosmic Insights Group Sessions ($2664 value)

🌙Quarterly Alchemy Workshops ($888 value)

🌙Zodiacal Season Workbook ($564 value)

OVER $8500 total value!


Bonus #1: Align Your Stars 9-week course ($1111 value)

Bonus #2: Uncover your Intuitive Gifts Masterclass ($97 value)

Bonus #3: Fall Equinox Sacred Healing ($97 value)

Bonus #4: Shadow Work Tarot Readings ($1333 value)

Transformational results, beautiful manifestations

and magick in your life!

One Year Access for Just $4997

or 10 payments of $555

Start your journey to healing on a deep level, so that you can

release the old ways and step into authentic you. Join a 12-month container to release, celebrate and align with your Soul.

🌙Heal Your Energy Zodiacal Season Monthly Alchemy Workshops

Weekly classes to discover your 12-zodiacal energies and release any paradigms that no longer resonate with your expanding vibration.

🌙New Moon Intention Setting Circles

Monthly New Moon Intention Setting ritual to help you reset and align with your intention for the lunar cycle. Discover the New Moon energy and Sidereal Astrology updates.

🌙Cosmic Insights Group Sessions

Monthly group sessions to receive energetic alignment with Astrology and The Akashic Records. Group clearing and attunement with personalized support.

🌙Quarterly Alchemy Workshops

These workshops will consist of astrological and spiritual concepts that are prevalent for the collective to help you expand your awareness and raise your vibration.

🌙Zodiacal Season Workbook

A monthly workbook to understand your Zodiacal energy. It includes bonus journal prompts and rituals to unfold what is present this season for you.

🌙Shadow Work Tarot Reading

As a member of Cosmic Alchemy you get access to Shadow Work Tarot Readings with Zero Sum. These readings are here to help you get deeper insights into the work you need to do to align with your manifestations.


⭐BIG 3 READING ($222 value)



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