Challenge Begins September 22!

Join the 22-Day Challenge

Ready to find peace in the midst of all the chaos?

  • Shift your Energy

  • Greater Self-Awareness

  • Gain Clarity

Breathe with Danie for 22 Days and learn how to regulate your nervous system and find peace in the chaos.


A Daily Practice

Everyday you will receive an audio of our Daily Somatic Breathwork practice led by Danie. This practice will help ground you, clear energetic stagnancies and bring clarity and focus as you start your day in peace.


Learning a practice or ritual is great, but will you actually do it?!

Join a community of fellow breathers who will encourage, inspire and hold you accountable with love. Private space off Facebook.


Gain a deeper awareness to self and connection to The Universe. Breathwork is a spiritual practice that allows you to gain insights about yourself, life and business when the Mind wants to take over.

"I was too busy to realize my problem."

"In a single sitting, I folded times, shifted timelines, met the new me, activated new energy, and so much more. As the information was flowing I had to pause the recording to allow myself to receive the info. All because I kept my word and showed up."

• Sandra V. Montour | Transformational Leader

Why Somatic Breathwork?

We live in a mental heavy world. The Mind is in control and often creates stories, defense mechanisms and a dis-regulated nervous system. By incorporating somatic breathwork into your daily routine, you can cultivate a greater sense of calm, focus, and resilience, supporting your personal well-being and professional success. Somatic breathwork is a holistic practice that combines intentional breathing techniques with body awareness to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Some of the benefits of breathwork are:

What happens after I join:

  1. Once you join, you will receive an email welcoming you to the challenge and a link to our private podcast with an intro message all about the 22 day challenge, somatic breathwork and practices you can do before or after our daily practice.

  2. Next, you will receive access to our private community (off Facebook) where you can connect with other breathers. This will also be our space for daily accountability, connection and bonus material.

  3. Starting September 22-October 11, you will receive a daily email with our daily somatic breathwork practice.

  4. Enjoy the daily awareness, vibrational shifts, activations and peace over the next 22 days.

About Your Guide

Danie Muniz, has appeared on national television on American Idol and The Voice.  She has worked with organizations such as The Walt Disney Company, Wells Fargo and Starbucks, is a consultant for Bob Proctor and a leadership trainer.

As a Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive Astrologer & Akashic Records Practitioner for over 15 years, she's helped hundreds of healers, coaches and conscious leaders release past traumas, generational & ancestral paradigms and fears that are holding them back from fulfilling their Souls evolution.

Throughout the years, and in her quest to understand the mind, body and spirit, Danie has acquired multiple certifications and degrees in various modalities including, Bachelor’s of Psychology and Metaphysical Science. Danie is a leader in the field of Metaphysics and Intuitive Astrology and has clients from all over the world.

She is the creator of The Sacred CEO Framework which focuses on helping people discover their unique Sacred Rhythm on a Soul level, by understanding their inner guidance system, so they can empower themselves to improve their life and manifest their dream business.

She is a master at bridging the 5D and 3D in practical and relatable concepts, seeing what is holding her clients back beyond the veil and assisting them in releasing stubborn energetic & emotional blocks and stagnancies that may have been previously masked.

If you are tired of the chaos, join the challenge and see what could change for you in 22 days in peace!